Friday, July 18, 2008

Second Job for Vinyl Logo's!

All I can say is this is such a blessing.....

Chris took the kids to the pool today and a gentleman came up to him and asked him about the trailer he had seen Chris and I doing. He asked what it was and Chris told him the church hired us to put the Church logo on their trailer with Vinyl. The guy is part of this huge sporting event here in South Texas. Some sort of long lined casting fishing thing. Don't ask I really don't know or understand the whole fishing lingo but he asked if we can do huge banners and put the associations logo and the event dates on it and well yes, we can.... so he said he would be in contact with us very soon to get it done. God is so good!! Chris and I feel very blessed. I will add to site when we have it done it and its complete. I just had to share because so many people stood and watched us do the trailer and asked us how we did it and word of mouth has already gotten around! So cool!

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